The ferry arrives at the harbour at Kos Island, for bringing refugees and tourists to the Greece mainland.


During tourists are checking the map of Kos, a refugee is waiting in front of the town hall at Kos harbour, for his permission to step on the ferry. This can takes weeks or longer.


Two refugees are sleeping on a UNHCR-mat at the beach.


How there are no official showers, the volunteers separate with blankets an area for women (especially muslim-women), that they are able to wash themselves, without the views from outside.


The volunteers transformed a wardrobe to a shower-possibility for women.


Washing situation in front of the town-hall at the beach of Kos. 


A refugee cleans his new shoes, which he got through a donation.


"Too many people, not enough food." Even donations arrive at the beach, food is not sufficient for that amount of refugees.


One of the few faucets on the beach, which must be used for the shower, as well as for the thirst quenching.


A lot of refugees arrive without shoes, or with totally destroyed shoes. They are waiting for new donated shoes.


"Nothing left, but music." 

For distracting, some musicians came to the islands and play for the arrivals.


Two asylum-seekers must recognize that almost all borders are close.


People try to dry their soaked clothes on the old city wall.


Refugees arrive on the Greece island of Kos. 2015. On the harbor of Kos, in front of the town hall, they are waiting for food, shelter, medical care and the permission for their transfer to Greece mainland.

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